Do You Respond to Negative Reviews?

Boxing legend Joe Louis once said, "You can run, but you can't hide."   Louis was referring to his opponent Billy Conn in an upcoming title fight. Some businesses believe they can hide from negative Social Media reviews by not responding; this approach will bite you in the butt. The Internet is competitive with potential customers looking for information about businesses they are considering doing business with. Negative reviews can make or break a sale, but unanswered negative feedback can spell doom for a business. Yelp, Trustpilot, Facebook, Bing, Merchant Circle, Yellow Pages, and TripAdvisor are platforms where customers can write reviews. With a click of a mouse, the feedback of a company can be read by millions. At one time, you've probably ordered a product from Amazon it was only after reading the numerous reviews did you make a final decision. Reviews matter, and so does your reply to the customer.  It doesn't matter if a review is positive or negative a...

Facebook and Video

Facebook first arrived on the scene in 2004. Initially, a website to connect friends and family, Facebook has grown to include new services such as the introduction of videos, games, and much more. 

With videos, you can participate in more dynamic and interactive experiences on the web. It's not just limited to social media. You can now watch music videos, educational clips, interviews, and news reports all online. This gives us unprecedented access to information and entertainment all in one place.

When it comes to videos, Facebook provides an avenue for businesses to reach a broad audience. There are tons of options when it comes to marketing with videos. Whether you are promoting products, and services, or creating an informational and instructional content video is a great way to reach a diverse audience.

Another benefit of posting videos on Facebook is the ease with which you can interact with your audience. Whether you're using Facebook Live to engage with viewers in real-time, or simply sharing and tagging others with posts, videos can bring you closer to your audience.

Facebook videos have become one of the most powerful tools for digital marketers. You can now reach new levels of success and visibility in your marketing efforts with video. Whether it's leveraging videos for tutorials or behind-the-scenes stories, you can use the platform to its fullest potential and start seeing success in your business. 

It's amazing how far we've come in the last 19 years and we can expect to see many more exciting changes to the web. With more opportunities to engage and reach new viewers, it's time to take advantage of all that videos can offer. From Facebook Live to other video services, this technology has completely revolutionized the way we connect, interact, and engage online.

So what are you waiting for? Video is King šŸ‘‘ on Facebook and Social Media. Get behind a viewfinder šŸ“¹ and start shooting videos for your Facebook page. There is no need to produce a two-hour-long documentary 30-second shorts work just fine.

Author: Hendrix Nowells


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