Do You Respond to Negative Reviews?

Many car sales staff are living in the 1990s. I'm sure many of you remember the 90s era of big hair, word processors, Sony Walkman, acid-washed jeans, Sony PS1, CD-ROM, and X-Files. Now an electronic tablet is a norm. Beats by Dr. Dre pumps your music, kids refuse to eat cabbage, the Sony PlayStation is in its fifth generation, a thumb drive replaced the floppy disc, and agents Mulder and Scully are now eligible for membership in AARP.
The year is 2023, and Social Media is the technology that Auto dealerships need to embrace before they are left behind. Social Media is not a fad but a platform that is utilized all over the world. It is safe to say that many people are obsessed with Social Media due in part to the current Digital Addiction many suffer from. Pew Research Center reports that seven out of ten people in the US use Social Media to connect with friends, view news content, and share information.
Why aren't more Auto dealerships using Social Media to brand, gain internet exposure, and sell cars? Car sales staff rely on a single fishing pole with ups. Salespersons get 3-5 ups a day, hoping someone will buy a vehicle. Would you rather fish with a net in the ocean or a single fishing pole? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube are your net, and you can catch dozens of fish.
A video posted on Facebook or Youtube can receive thousands and even millions of views. You have heard the term viral it doesn't apply to cold calls. Video is king on Social Media, everyone will watch a video on their computer, smartphone, or tablet.
I strongly encourage Auto dealerships to have an active presence on Social Media. Require your sales staff to have a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page. Hire a Social Media Manager that is on-site and not a third party located in another state; Social Media will help you increase sales.
As a Social Media Manager, the best tool I have in my toolbox is producing videos. The Youtube channel that I managed has more than 6.5 million views. A video I produced featuring a Toyota Salesman has over 1 million views, video work.
Author: Hendrix Nowells
As a GSM with a car dealership this is great advice. I need to push my staff to use social media. Thank you.